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Golf Fundraiser Sponsorship

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Boston Athletic Academy hosts its
7th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

The Boston Athletic Academy (BAA) is excited to host our 7th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Monday, July 1st @11:45am at Ferncroft Country Club in Middleton, MA.


The Boston Athletic Academy continues its commitment to educating and training student athletes in an environment that recognizes their culture, language, customs, and more importantly, their growth potential as individuals. Our sports and education facility located in Hyde Park fills a void left by other organizations may be too expensive for low-income families, or too ill-equipped to understand and address individuals and their families’ specific needs. 


At the BAA, we’re fortunate and thankful to have the cultural comprehension and affordability to serve Boston youth. With your participation in our tournament this is year, we’ll be able to proudly continue our mission.


Swing for the kids. In response to community concerns regarding disparities in recreational programs for inner city children, the Boston Athletic Academy was organized. With a focus on youth development, the BAA designed activities for student-athletes to advance through athletics and academics. Every child deserves a shot at their own World Series. Your support helps make that a reality.


Together let’s keep our kids out of trouble, on the field, and in the classroom.

See below for our sponsorship levels. All proceeds contribute to sponsor baseball training, learning activities, and participation for local student-athletes throughout Boston.

Home Run Sponsor | $10,000

Logo on BAA website & marketing book.

Public Sponsorship of a BAA student-athlete college tour.

Name on Baseball Uniforms and three foursomes


Triple sponsor | $7,500

Public Sponsorship of a BAA student-athlete training video.

Name on 2024 Baseball cards,

Logo on Event Page and two foursomes


Doubles Sponsor | $5,000

Logo on Baseballs/Softballs used by BAA participants

and two foursomes


Singles Sponsor | $3,500

Logo on Event Page. Custom BAA Bat

and one foursome


Hole Sponsor | $3,000

Logo on Tee Boxes

and one foursome


Ball Sponsor | $2,500

Logo on Balls

and one foursome


Cart Sponsor | $2,000

Logo on all golf carts

and one foursome

*All sponsorships include a foursome registration.*
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BAA Event Sponsorship

Thank you for your charitable support.

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